Unveil your Heart
Enliven your Body
Still your Mind
Womantime Retreat
Thursday 31st July - Sunday 3rd August, 2025
The Ridge at Maleny, Queensland
The ultimate retreat, to come home to yourself, to learn, to nourish, to nurture, to replenish.
You are invited to (re)learn ancient knowledge that is imperative for feminine self care.

Dear Woman,
come closer ...
It's time to slow down ...
to being,....
to being a woman...
As we move through each stage of being a woman, right from when we start to menstruate, our woman's body (and life) can give us plenty of surprises.
- Do you shut down, act as if nothing is happening and just 'get on with it'?
- Do you feel like your body has betrayed you or you feel somehow broken?
- Are you longing for a relationship that nourishes your heart and soul?
- Is your body screaming with emotional upheavals, spiritual undernourishment or physical ailments?
- Are you tired of your dear woman's body coming last on the list?
Well ... there's a new woman emerging one who wants to know self love.
One who wants to live an authentic life where she knows deeply, she deserves to be valued, loved and respected because she values, loves and respects her own self.
One whose desire to love herself before loving another is foremost as she's learnt that all her focus on others has only drained her body, her emotions and her love.
"Your body is your companion, not your enemy. When you start treating it as you would a dear friend, it changes your relationship with this beautiful physical vessel of love and to those close to you and to the world around you."

"This retreat is deep women’s work, a reminder that we, as women, are all beautiful humans in our own right. When women come together, miracles happen and I have witnessed so much joy, laughter, and friendships formed during my time with Janet and Melissa.
You are held and supported every step of the way with love and tenderness. I cannot say enough about these beautiful women.
The world needs more beautiful souls like them. Thank you beauties. And thank you, Jodie, too, your presence, patience, and love was felt every minute."
Jeanette, 61
"It has been the most powerful retreat I have been to. I have voiced thoughts and feelings I have been too afraid to face— or verbalise. There is a sense of liberation now. The support and encouragement from the facilitators are what has allowed me the space to open enough for some true growth and understanding. Each component was filled with information, insight, experiences, and guidance. I felt so seen, so held, and supported that I know this will stay with me as I return home.
I cannot express my appreciation enough in words; it is a feeling of being a family filled with such powerful and inspiring women. Thank you!"
Kelly, 51
"I would highly recommend Womantime to any woman who wants to connect more deeply with herself, and to embody and experience her own magic, beauty, and vitality. It’s such a beautiful, nurturing space. I have that place of safety I can always go to rest in, no matter what is going on around me. I have beauty, pleasure, vitality inside me all the time."
Rachel, 43
What to expect at Womantime...

- Heal your relationship to your body on a deep level.
- How to come to peace with the parts you have disowned or need reintegrating.
- To unveil your heart, to stay open, while still honouring your boundaries.
- Practices that support your nervous system.

- How to nourish and support your pelvic area which plays a fundamental part in all women's health and wellbeing.
- Tools to both conserve and expand your feminine energy and how to use this energy to centre yourself, deal with emotions and stay in your own circle of presence in relationship.

- To rediscover love.
- A space where you can rest, get in touch with your woman's soul, body and heart.
- A deep and authentic yet gentle space to let your body restore itself to balance.
- Grounded tools and knowledge you can start to use straight away.
What Kylie says... Womantime 2024

To say the weekend was transformative would be an enormous understatement. Sitting in a circle, connecting to my woman's body, sharing stories, and being seen and heard for my full, flawed, human self was deep, deep medicine. The entire weekend was balm for my community-thirsty soul.
And the women I met? DIVINE
The most profound experience of the four days spent together for me was an art therapy process that used a gentle creative process and an invitation to explore, heal and reweave the stories we had about a specific part of ourselves.
I've done my fair share of healing around self-stories and conditioning. And I'm qualified in many modalities myself.
And still, one story I carried with me - a story I thought I had processed and healed (so so so many times!!) - shouted loud and clear, rising to the surface, asking for more love and tending.
But this time with Janet's gentle, steadfast space-holding, I unlocked something I had never seen and felt before. Something that completely tipped my entire identity on its head. Have I worked on this story with many other practitioners, using many other modalities, and with my own self-soothing tools? Absolutely.
And yet, none of those things opened this particular wounded part and showed me what was under the surface so clearly. And this is where the magic truly lies. Janet's unique medicine, the golden thread of her own lived experience, the stories she shared, her teachers, her own wisdom was the key. It set me free.
- Kylie Patchett, KP Creative and Wild + (finally f...) Free Podcast
Womantime is...
For women who want...
- Confidence and deep trust in her body.
- Knowing your body is not broken or betraying you.
- A deeper more loving connection with yourself.
- A more connected Intimate relationship.
- Pathway to pleasure that is not goal oriented but a natural by-product of your own powerful feminine presence.
What Womantime isn't...
- A retreat with pampering, facials and spas.
- A fluffy space for new age speak.
- An experience that gives you a high and then drops you into life to fend for yourself.

JANET MCGEEVER | Creator and facilitator of Womantime®
Passionate, grounded, earthy and feminine, Janet brings her 20 years of facilitating experience with women and couples. She is well known for her ability to create a sensitive, safe space for her participants, with her many years as a counselor, Journey practitioner and art therapist, supporting women to find their inner strength and wisdom and helping couples bring mindfulness to making love.
For more than ten years she has been teaching Tantra in the style of Diana Richardson, leading luminary in Conscious Sexuality and pioneer of the Slow Sex Movement. Janet has been the official Australian teacher of Diana and Michael Richardson's 'Making Love Retreat' since 2012. This retreat has been run in Europe for more than 25 years.
Janet co-wrote 'Tantric Sex and Menopause' with Diana and their book was published in April 2018 in English. It has since been published in German, Czech, French, and Spanish.
"My work is all about coming home - home to the body, the self and to the inner guide, the inner wise one. It is about a 'falling away' rather than 'building up' or bolstering the feminine ego. I discover for myself, that it's when I shed the protection of the heart that I can authentically return to who I am, and there is always a simplicity in that."
"As I've gotten older, I have had to face some physical challenges that I never expected. This has had me reassess how I care for my physical female body and this retreat is borne from those challenges and what I've discovered through my own inner and outer healing and research. And now I want to share that with as many women as possible."

MELISSA BORICH | Special guest yoga teacher
Elegant, compassionate, wise, and loving, Melissa has been teaching yoga for over 20 years. She has developed a unique feminine approach to yoga that is drawing women from far and wide to experience her teachings.
Melissa feels that Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation help to bring kindness and resilience into one's daily moments that become more tangible the more you practice on a regular basis.
These ancient, wise teachings become an incredible friend, helping to assist one at whatever stage of your life’s progression. From puberty, rearing your precious children, to progressing onward into your wise women years in my yoga classes you are encouraged to explore the fluidity of movement, with awareness to breath, how it flows, and where it is felt throughout the body. Also, how it influences your peace of mind, by bringing balance to the Nervous system, and replenishment to the Glandular system. Bringing to your everyday moments, good health, a sense of joy, inner peace and knowing.
Melissa Borich is a qualified Senior teacher with Yoga Teachers Australia, a registered experienced meditation teacher with Meditation Australia, is an Allevi8 meditation mentor on the therapeutic team, dealing with chronic illness and mental health, and a Yoga Therapist.
Melissa and her partner have created a retreat space on their 80-acre property in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Melissa holds regular classes, annual residential Meditation and Yoga retreats, and works in a therapeutic role 1:1 as a Yoga Therapist.

Womantime Retreat
Thursday 31st July - Sunday 4th August, 2025
The Ridge at Maleny, Queensland, Australia

What Womantime attendees are saying...
"Womantime is a life-changing retreat. This is the kind of women’s health and well-being education I wish I could have experienced as a teenager. So positively affirming of womanhood; the antidote to the cultural violence, denigration and self-loathing of women evident in so many forms. In a mere few days one comes to know oneself again through gentleness, honouring, thoughtfulness, compassion as well as empowering self-care information supporting health on all levels. I wholeheartedly and unreservedly recommend it".
Dr Suzanne Moss, Empowering the Artist Within
"I am feeling reconnected with my true self. My body feeling is more relaxed and nourished by the company of this amazing circle of women. I am remembering “ME”.
I would highly recommend that all women attend “Womantime” as the teachings are invaluable for women of all ages and stages of their lives. The beauty of being in a sacred space of safety within a circle of women, led by such gracious souls, is a blessing for us all."
Susie, 65
"This work is life changing. I had no awareness that I was completely numb from the waist down until this retreat, where my body and feminine essence literally "awakened". It not only changed the way I felt within myself, but also allowed me to love others and FEEL their love in return. Since learning this work I have been able to open, mentally-emotionally-spiritually and physically. I cannot express the gratitude I have for Janet in words, my life is infinitely better because of these teachings and the sacred space that was held, allowing us women to just "be".
Thank you Janet, the work you do has changed my life".
Emily, 26
"I feel connected, nurtured, and precious. I am looking forward to bringing more compassion to my thoughts about my body. I knew she was special but it’s at a whole new level.
The program is gentle and honouring each woman’s readiness to go ‘in’ to the stuck and/or scary places. Beautiful facilitators and their interactions and synergy is authentic and delightful."
Wendy, 52
"It is hard to put into words or describe this retreat. The information, meditations and yoga were a perfect blend to bring understanding to what it is to be a feminine woman. The warmth and love created within the women’s circle was truly amazing. I feel so inspired to take back what I have learned into my family and daily life. I will be sharing this information with my daughter as it will help her understand how important it is to care for and cherish her feminine body”.
Annette, 48
"I have attended Janet’s Womantime Retreat 5 years ago and again, this weekend. Both have been incredible, the 1st being life changing in dealing with my grief. The gentle processes we are taken through mind and body are just what I needed. I had the answers, but just didn’t realise it. Fast forward 5 years and this time, I take away lots of wisdom moving forward in a different phase of my life. "
Anne, 54
"There is so much gentle nurturing and holding here by Janet, Melissa and Jodie and this beautiful place on earth. The lovely sharing of vulnerabilities and the unravelling and remembering of ourselves as a group of women has been very powerful and special to be a part of. It is a weekend of safety, warmth and support on all levels and it is FUN".
Simone Nichols, 52
"My major insight is how important it is to be still, come back within and also spend time with the like-minded women. The sharing and sense of connection both within and with others was profoundly nurturing.
All 3 of you are “top shelf”. The way you supported each other, and each brought important information to the group and bounced off each other represents the dynamic potential of women supporting women.I adored you all and respect your knowledge, capability, and truth. Much gratitude."
Cathie, 62
"I feel lighter, more connected, more confident. I feel like I’m moving a bit slower with more purpose.
I couldn't get over the amount of care that the facilitators showed to each and every participant. They were so considerate and attentive and very in tune. They were beautiful to each other also."
Cristy Hopp, 49
"I love the way Janet and Melissa, supported by Jodie, share the knowledge that they have learnt. The whole weekend is structured to affirm, support and nurture, and I certainly felt all of those things. Have learnt ways to nurture and support myself as a woman and a human being".
Kerry Behrend
"This retreat for me was a welcome respite from daily life. The soul nourishment was complete. Body, mind, spirit and belly full. Beautiful sisterhood created as we were gently guided. The rituals were divine, with some deep honouring of each other. Some wonderful techniques and women’s wisdom shared. Blessings everywhere and a retreat I will always hold dear in my heart. Thank you Janet".
Belinda, 49
"Through creating a sacred, feminine place Womantime allowed me to discover, honour and celebrate the woman I am. The beautifully balanced mixture of inner exploration, teaching, relaxation and yoga has left me profoundly changed. I’m able to go back into the world feeling grounded and powerful as a feminine woman. The yoga was extraordinary!"
Janie Burry
Frequently asked retreat questions
How long is the retreat?
What time does the retreat start and end?
Where is the retreat held?
I have special dietary needs, can you cater for me?
I will be travelling by air, how do I get to The Ridge At Maleny?
What is your cancellation policy?
Womantime Retreat
Thursday 31st July - Sunday 3rd August, 2025
The Ridge at Maleny, Queensland