


The Making Love Retreat

The Making Love

Ā A profound 6-day retreat that transforms your intimate relationship.


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Womantime Retreat


Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Day Woman.  

A 3-day retreat for women to deeply reconnect with their body.

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Advanced WomanTime Retreat

DeepeningĀ WomanTime Retreat

The Deepening Retreat

A 3-day retreat for women who have completed WomanTime.

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Advanced WomanTime Retreat

A Day for Couples

A one-day experience

Create the love you want so you can reconnect with ease, disagreements can fall away, and the tension is taken out of your intimate relationship.

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"Janet holds a deeply safe space with a light, tender, and compassionate heart that creates the magical condition for healing and transformation."



To be present with each other is the solution,

rather than working out a solution.

- Harville Hendrix

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