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Menopause - The Gateway menopause the body women Sep 22, 2015

Menopause can be a powerful and transformational gateway into the next stage of a woman’s...

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Are you out of your mind? intimacy making love relationships sexuality Aug 31, 2015

I heard a beautiful woman today speak of her yearning for a great intimate relationship but said...

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Sensitive Men and Performance Pressure intimacy making love men sexuality tantra Jul 23, 2015

I was speaking with a client the other day, who was completely confused about what happened when...

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Letting Love in love relationships sexuality transformation Jun 26, 2015

When Michelangelo was asked 'How did he create David?', he said, "The form is already there, I...

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Detox your Relationships emotions intimacy relationships transformation Apr 12, 2015

‘Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.’...

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Sexual Vulnerability intimacy love men relationships sexual vulnerability sexuality tantra vulnerability women Jan 07, 2015

What is it to be sexually vulnerable in a relationship?

A strange question. Who wants to be...

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The Emerging Woman love relationships self care sexuality transformation women Nov 09, 2014

There’s a new woman emerging - a woman who wants to know self-love. A woman who wants...

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When a man loves a woman... love men relationships sexuality tantra vulnerability women Aug 08, 2014

A girlfriend called me in distress recently. She’d been enjoying a beautiful opening...

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Relationships - honouring their place family constellations men parenting relationship transformation women Jul 01, 2014

My prayer for 2014 is to grow with more peace and love in my heart. What’s yours?


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Does 'make-up' sex really work? emotions intimacy love relationships sexuality Apr 06, 2014

Behind every judgment, every criticism, every unloving act, and every unloving word, is an unmet...

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The Power of Intention - Power of the Land relationships transformation women Mar 06, 2014

Have you ever been somewhere in nature and felt changed simply by being there?


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Talking to your children about sex children and sexuality intimacy love making love relationships Feb 04, 2014

I was 14 years old when I found myself in a huge school hall, watching a sex education film. I...

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