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A friend told me once that 'normal' is a cycle on a washing machine.
In my day, p*rn was...
You know when you have an experience that has touched your heart so deeply that you will never...
I hear women in midlife saying, 'I took my power back. I feel powerful now.
This is a wonderful...
"Menopause was my biggest excuse.
It's completely mind-blowing to me. To get from a zero ......
There's a classic Seinfeld episode called 'The Mango' where Jerry finds out that the whole time...
Women are brave. Women are powerful. Women are resilient. Women are beautiful.
What we have been...
'I'm 55 and having the best sex of my life."
The landscape of female sexuality in the 2020s is...
‘What she doesn’t see is how unsafe it feels to move towards her. It feels so...
Is sex really over in midlife?
My answer is an unequivocal NO! Definitely not.
But many often...