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Rekindling Love couples couples retreat making love making love retreat menopause menopause and sex mindfulness perimenopause and sex Jun 30, 2024

"Menopause was my biggest excuse.

It's completely mind-blowing to me. To get from a zero ......

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Faking it conscious sex couples couples retreat making love making love retreat menopause and sex midlife sexual awakenings noosa perimenopause and sex Jun 03, 2024

There's a classic Seinfeld episode called 'The Mango' where Jerry finds out that the whole time...

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Libido is dead couples making love retreat menopause and sex midlife sexual awakenings perimenopause and sex Jul 29, 2023

'I'm 55 and having the best sex of my life."

The landscape of female sexuality in the 2020s is...

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The Love Field attachment theory conscious relationships couples intimacy mindfulness relationships Jun 29, 2023

Anyone who comes to my events knows how much I love music and how it can set the scene for...

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Unspeakable Losses couples grief making love making love retreat midlife sexual vulnerability trauma trauma recovery Jun 15, 2023

By midlife and indeed for some even earlier, there are losses that are so achingly difficult to...

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Love is a state of Being couples love making love making love retreat midlife May 21, 2023

'Love is not a relationship. Love is a state of Being.'

One of my favourite quotes from Osho.


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Is sex over in Midlife? couples intimacy retreat making love menopause menopause and sex midlife midlife sexual awakenings perimenopause and sex sbs the making love retreat Apr 11, 2023

Is sex really over in midlife?

My answer is an unequivocal NO! Definitely not.

But many often...

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Midlife Sexual Issues couples intimacy retreat making love retreat menopause midlife midlife sexual awakenings perimenopause and sex sbs women Mar 05, 2023

'Normal' everyday sex, over time, and in long-term relationships can often turn out to be quite...

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Love is it couples love making love retreat womantime retreat Dec 21, 2022

 I am guessing you are like me. A huge year with much to be grateful for and also a year of...

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Conflict in Intimate Relationships conscious relationships couples emotions hugging intimacy relationships Nov 27, 2022

There's something magical that can happen when we start to take our attention away from conflict...

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Making Love Retreat update couples intimacy love making love making love retreat men noosa women Nov 14, 2022

Speaking from Noosa Springs on the last day. I am always so touched and astounded at how things...

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