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Women and Power intimacy retreat menopause menopause and sex midlife midlife sexual awakenings perimenopause and sex relationships sex therapy womantime retreat women Jul 24, 2024

I hear women in midlife saying, 'I took my power back. I feel powerful now.

This is a wonderful...

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Is sex over in Midlife? couples intimacy retreat making love menopause menopause and sex midlife midlife sexual awakenings perimenopause and sex sbs the making love retreat Apr 11, 2023

Is sex really over in midlife?

My answer is an unequivocal NO! Definitely not.

But many often...

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I'm done. femininity intimacy retreat lovemaking making love retreat transformation womantime retreat women Mar 23, 2023

I heard a thud and I knew it was a bird that had hit the window. We had a lot of glass around our...

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The Sensual Symphony of Love conscious relationships intimacy intimacy retreat love lovemaking making love retreat midlife sexual awakenings sbs Mar 15, 2023

Have you heard of the Moon flower, 'Queen of the Night'?

A night flower - she opens as the sun...

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Midlife Sexual Issues couples intimacy retreat making love retreat menopause midlife midlife sexual awakenings perimenopause and sex sbs women Mar 05, 2023

'Normal' everyday sex, over time, and in long-term relationships can often turn out to be quite...

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Insight on SBS intimacy retreat making love retreat midlife sexual awakenings sbs tantra Feb 11, 2023

I just returned from the beautiful majestic city of Sydney after being part of an episode of...

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The Road Back to Intimacy couples retreat intimacy retreat making love retreat psychotherapy sexual vulnerability sexuality tantra the body trauma recovery vulnerability Sep 03, 2021

I've seen a lot in my almost 40 years of personal growth and more than 20 years of psychotherapy....

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