The Attracting Force of Woman
Jan 10, 2019
I was just in Zurich some years ago and I found myself with half an hour to wait to meet my partner downstairs outside our hotel.
The hotel was by the river Limmat, and outside were lovely little tables right on the river where the Swiss enjoy their drinks and coffees.
Instead, though, I decided to go back upstairs and use the time to lie on the bed and relax - and the way I relax these days is to do what is called a 'breast meditation'.
Why the 'Breast Meditation'?
Well, to me, this is an essential part of feminine self-care if a woman wants to balance out and cultivate her own sexual, sensual vitality. Just for herself! And then, of course, it is lovely to share with another. But this is a beautiful way to 'return' to herself in the most non-doing, relaxing way. Because the breasts and nipples are the source of our sexual, sensual vitality and energy for us as women, are raised in this part of our body, for us to 'meditate' on them daily is a good thing to bring into our own daily practice.
It's easy - you just lie down and imagine melting into your breasts, (your positive/dynamic part of your body), relaxing and sensing them from the inside, while also bringing awareness to the heart area… sometimes you may feel streaming of energy that is so fine and subtle that flows down into the womb and vagina, the 'receptive' part of our body.
So I lay there for half an hour, not forcing anything, just relaxing, relaxing. Then I just got up, fixed my hair and went down to the lobby and outside to meet Gene.
What happened in the next few minutes was like something out of a movie! Honestly … it was incredible. It was like I was experiencing each moment frame by frame.
The second I walked into the lobby a man in his 40's met my eye and smiled. As he passed and I moved forward, all the men behind the front desk looked up. I walked through the turnstile and was greeted by the concierge … well that always happens… Then I looked to my left and about twelve men were waiting on the corner in a huddle - most of them turned and met my eyes.
I walked out further into the courtyard looking around for Gene who had not turned up yet. Right in front of me was a man in his 30s with two women leaning against a car. He sat up, his face lit up as he smiled and greeted me. Of course, I smiled back and said hi.
Wondering at this stage what the hell was going on, I kind of smiled inside - well, I'm human … it's nice to be over 50 now and still get a little attention! Then I turned back toward the hotel and went to the right where the high set coffee tables were by the river - as I brushed past another man in his late 50s, he greeted me too! I smiled, said hi and moved on. Gawd, what was going on? I've never had men I don't even know, speaking to me like that in just a few moments. I've had them look but not approach me, and actually say something …
And then again! Another man moved toward me and greeted me - all very respectfully, no weird stuff going on.
By this time I was really smiling and thinking … this bloody breast meditation stuff really works! My Swiss friend Nathalie, was so surprised when I told her this - she said that Swiss men never speak to women like that. And all this happened, frame by frame, in literally the space of about two minutes! It has really convinced me of the subtle power that a woman has to draw the masculine presence toward her. I was not trying to make anything happen … I was innocently looking around … I believe it was not how I looked physically… I was not wearing high heels or a short skirt, or revealing my breasts … none of the usual trademarks looks to get attention.
As Diana Richardson says, 'Women become irresistible to a man when she rests in her own natural feminine presence.'
This is not something that one woman can have and no others … this is the force, an equal force that every woman innately has irrespective of age, and has the potential to experience. Osho says that all meditation techniques have been developed by men. As we know these usually involve focusing on the base (perineum) in order to raise energy.
However because a woman is an equal and opposite force to a man, Osho says that for women all meditation should begin from the breasts. A woman's energy-raising pole lies in the breasts/heart and not in the base of the body. This may be a strange concept. But try it - it really works.
Of course any time it is possible for a woman to visualize drawing energy from the base (vagina) upward and radiating it out of the breasts, which can have energizing effects, however, the energy is not really being raised from the positive pole - and it is this aspect that is deeply transforming.
Through a woman melting and merging with her breasts (and thus her heart), she awakens and accesses the true radiance, fragrance and sweetness of the feminine.
This is likely to be a more subtle experience based on sensitivity rather than an overwhelming or sensational experience. Crucial is to enter into the breast without wanting to 'get' any result - not to make any kind of goal out of it.
When I did this meditation in my hotel room - it was not to 'get something' it was simply to just be … and to relax within my body. There were no fireworks, no huge sensational experience, no techniques, or even moving the body - no focusing on anything, just being…just melting, relaxing, being, in my own body. So what I'd say to both single or women in partnerships is if you are wanting to feel more attractive within yourself and interested in attracting a man into your life, not to try so hard … relax more, soften into yourself. And experiment with the breast meditation, as I have described, not even necessarily to attract the guys or as a strategy, but rather to experience the complete beauty of the inner sensual nature of your woman's body.
So there you have it - my Zurich experience - I will never forget it.
At The Making Love Retreat, couples receive comprehensive teaching about creating this polarity between you and within your own body, plus a way of deepening polarity which creates such incredible intimacy and transformation of the sexual experience into love.
And if you'd like full comprehensive teaching of Breast Meditation, join us at Womantime Retreat, Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Day Woman.
If you'd like to purchase books by Diana Richardson, have a look at Recommended Reading.
We also speak of this in great detail in our book Tantric Sex and Menopause on Amazon AUS, Amazon US & Amazon UK.
If you are interested in attending the Making Love Retreat and have questions or would like to chat with Janet and meet her personally, book here for a free 30-minute chat.
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